We must clarify that N90 is not a weight loss system but a health-based programme. New habits take time to create, which is why the programme is set for 90 days.
By the end of the 90 days, you would have the opportunity to understand how your body responds to certain foods, be educated on why N90 has selected the foods you are eating and implement a healthy habit lifestyle based on the foundations of the programme.
N90 is the first step of your thousand-kilometre journey of having a life that has a robust immune system to ward off pathogens and not wasting your life in a state of “dis-ease”. Your new healthy habit lifestyle will try and optimise your bodily functions and, with the aid of N90, create a metabolically flexible fuel system.
It takes time to become metabolically flexible and create a healthy body environment. N90 s programme will unfold over the course and create the stimulus for this to occur by fast-tracking what needs to be done based on a 90-day system. Once completed, the foundation is there for you to continue selecting foods based on the 80: 20 rule that allows for a wider variety of foods.
Simply put, 90 days is the minimum requirement to make this magic happen.